Richard Utz

Dr. phil. Richard Utz
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Seminar für Englische Philologie
Wilhelmstr. 50
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel. +7071-29-74281
Fax +7071-29-4282

Areas of Research
Late Medieval English Literature & Culture; Medievalism (the creative and critical reception of the Middle Ages in post-medieval times); Imagology; Contemporary Critical Theory; Travel Writing; The History of English Studies as a Discipline.



Literarischer Nominalismus im Spaetmittelalter. Eine Untersuchung zu Sprache, Charakterzeichnung und Struktur in Geoffrey Chaucers 'Troilus and Criseyde' (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1990). 265pp. ABSTRACT
Reviewed by: P. Mertens-Fonck, "Le nominalisme de Geoffrey Chaucer dans Troilus and Criseyde . A propos d'un ouvrage recent," Le Moyen Age (1995), 315-20;
N.H.K., Studies in the Age of Chaucer 284-6;
G. Mueller-Oberhaeuser, Anglia 209-12;
W. Erzgraeber, Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Goerres-Gesellschaft 33 (1991), 401-4;
Ch. Houswitschka, Regensburger Universitaetszeitung , 15/5 (July, 1990), pp. 34-5.

Essay Collections

'Realist' vs. 'Nominalist' Semiotics? Shifting Paradigms in Literature: Medieval, Early Modern, and After , ed. Hugo Keiper, Richard J. Utz, and Christoph Bode (Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 1997, forthcoming).

Investigating the Unliterary: Six Readings of Edgar Rice Burroughs' 'Tarzan of the Apes' , ed. Richard J. Utz, with the assistance of Elizabeth Sharpe (Regensburg: Verlag Ulrich Martzinek, 1995). 133pp.

Literary Nominalism and the Theory of Rereading Late Medieval Texts: A New Research Paradigm , ed. Richard J. Utz (Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995). 256pp.

Academic Journal

Disputatio: An International Transdisciplinary Journal of the Late Middle Ages , ed. Carol Poster and Richard J. Utz (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press).
Vol. I (1996): "The Late Medieval Epistle." 229pp.
Vol. II (1997): "Constructions of Time in the Late Middle Ages." (forthcoming)


"Recalcitrance to Medievalism: Philology, Reception History, and the German Middle Ages." (work in progress)

"Zu Funktion und Epistemology des Sprichwortes bei Geoffrey Chaucer," Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediaevistischer Forschung 3 (1998). (accepted for publication)

"The State and Future of English Medieval Literature," Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance 2 (1997). (accepted for publication)

"Literary Criticism and the Nation: The 'Nationalpsychologische Methode' in German Anglistics, 1928-1955," Moeurs et images, etudes d'imagologie europeenne , ed. Alain Montandon (Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches sur les Litteratures Modernes et Contemporaines, 1997). (accepted for publication)

"'As writ myn auctour called Lollius': Divine and Autorial Omnipotence in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde 'Realist' vs. 'Nominalist' Semiotics: Shifting Paradigms in Literature: Medieval, Early Modern, and After , ed. Hugo Keiper, Richard J. Utz, and Christoph Bode (Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 1997). (forthcoming)

"Inventing German(ic) Chaucer: The Interplay of Ideology and Philology in German Chaucer Studies," Studies in Medivalism 8 (1997), 1-22.

"Literary Nominalism in Chaucer's Late Medieval England: Toward a Preliminary Paradigm," History of European Ideas (Special Issue: The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms ), ed. Ezra and Sasha Talmore (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997). (forthcoming)

"Letter Writing in the Late Middle Ages: An Introductory Bibliography of Critical Studies," (with Janet Luehring), Disputatio 1 (1996), 191-221.

"'For all that comth, comth by necessitee': Chaucer's Critique of Fourteenth-Century Boethianism," Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 21 (1996), 29-32.

"Hugh von Lincoln und der Mythos vom juedischen Ritualmord," Herrscher-Helden-Heilige (Mittelalter-Mythen, vol. I), ed. Werner Wunderlich and Ulrich Mueller (Konstanz: Universitaetsverlag, 1996), pp. 681-92.

"Reading/Teaching Against the Grain: Literariness and Tarzan of the Apes in the College Classroom," Investigating the Unliterary: Six Essays on E.R. Burroughs' 'Tarzan of the Apes' , ed. Richard J. Utz (Regensburg: Verlag Ulrich Martzinek, 1995), pp. 1-13.

"Negotiating the Paradigm: Literary Nominalism and the Theory and Practice of Rereading Late Medieval Texts," Literary Nominalism and the Theory of Rereading Late Medieval Texts: A New Research Paradigm , ed. Richard J. Utz (Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995), pp. 1-30.

"Mutiny in the Melting Pot: Multiculturalism and the Re-Discovery of Columbus," Fremdsprachenunterricht 46/7 (October, 1993), 421-5.

"Medievalism as Modernism: Alfred Andersch's Nominalist 'Litterature Engage'," Studies in Medievalism (1993), 147-73.

"Lexicography and Gender-Neutrality: Example Phrases and Sentences in Three Modern Dictionaries of English," Language and Civilisation: A Concerted Profusion of Essays and Studies in Honor of Otto Hietsch , ed. Claudia Blank (Frankfurt-on-Maine: Peter Lang, 1992), vol. 2, pp. 262-77.

"Typisch--Stereotypisch: Zur Darstellung von Mann und Frau in Lehrwerken des Englischen," Fremdsprachenunterricht 45/5 (May/June, 1992), 233-6.

Articles/Entries in Encyclopedia/Handbook of Literature

"Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Mists of Avalon "Bruce Chatwin: The Songlines ;" "Bruce Chatwin: Utz ;" "John Skelton: Here After Foloweth the Boke of Phylyp Sparowe ;" in: Kindler's Neues Literatur Lexikon , ed. Walter Jens (Munich: Kindler, Verlag, 1996-1997).

Reviews in Academic Journals

Medieval Arthurian Literature: A Guide to Recent Research ed. N.J. Lacy, Arthuriana (forthcoming 1997).

Medievalism and the Modernist Temper , ed. H. Bloch and S. Nichols, Arthuriana (forthcoming 1997).

Signes and Sothe: Language in the 'Piers Plowman' Tradition , by H. Barr, Anglia (forthcoming 1997).

Ready-to-Use Activities for Teaching Hamlet , by J.W. Swope, Fremdsprachenunterricht (forthcoming 1997).

Culture and the King: The Social Implications fo the Arthurian Legend. Essays in Honor of Valerie Lagorio , ed. M. Shichtman and J.P. Carley, Anglia (forthcoming 1997).

William of Ockham: A Letter to the Friars Minor and Other Writings trans. J. Kilcullen, Christianity and Literature (1996), 414-5.

Tudor & Stuart Women , by L. Schleiner, and Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenth-Century Lives , by N.Z. Davis, North American Review 281/5 (1996), 45-8.

Fiktionalitaet im Artusroman: Dritte Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Artusgesellschaft in Berlin vom 13-15. Februar 1992 ed. V. Mertens, et al., Arthuriana 6 (1995), 201-3.

Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages , by H.A. Kelly, Philosophy and Literature 253-6.

Chaucer's 'Boece' and the Medieval Tradition of Boethius , ed. A. Minnis, Anglia 114 (1996), 296-8.

Chaucer's 'House of Fame'. The Poetics of Skeptical Fideism , by S. Delany, Carmina Philosophiae 3 (1994), 87-90.

Geoffrey Chaucer: Building the Fragments of the 'Canterbury Tales' , by J. Mandel, Anglia 113 (1995), 251-4.

The Matter of Scotland: Historical Narrative in Medieval Scotland , R.J. Goldstein, Arthuriana 4/3 (1884), 285-8.

Chaucer and Medieval Preaching: Rhetoric for Listeners in Sermons and Poetry , by S. Volk,-Birke, Anglia (1994), 203-6.

Politik und Liebe in der Literatur des englischen Spaetmittelalters am Beispiel von Thomas Malorys 'Morte Darthur' , by Ch. Houswitschka, Arthuriana 4/2 (1994), 202-4.

John Gower's Poetic: the Search for a New Arion , by R.F. Yeager, Anglia 111 (1993), 212-6.

"Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt..." - Das Bild des Menschen in Europas Sprachen , by M. Wandruszka, Fremdsprachenunterricht 45/7 (October, 1992), 414.

The Squire's Tale , vol. 2, pt. 12, of A Variorum Edition of the Works fo Geoffrey Chaucer , ed. D.C. Baker, Studies in the Age of Chaucer 14 (1991), 162-5. (with K.H. Goeller). (entitled: "Sage als Sozialkritik")

Der Schmied von Mitterteich: Eine Epische Dichtung in Zwanzig Gesaengen , by Mathias Schmidtler, Literatur in Bayern